Sunday, May 06, 2012

Pay it Forward 2012 ~ Gift for Ruth

Boy, am I bad at follow through!  This is the first gift that I had finished for my pay it forward February!  It's now May in case you haven't checked a calendar lately.  Good thing Ruth is such a patient friend...and she didn't know what I was making for her anyway, so she couldn't be missing what she didn't know she was getting!  
Originally I was only going to make Ruth one thing...but she's so fun to make things for, that I added three more things to the pile! 
Gift #1:  Crocheted tea cozy.  I think the pattern ends up being a smaller tea cozy...but I don't know how to read crochet patterns, and there's only so far YouTube can take you.  The lady I would have called for help and advice lives in Heaven now, so I ad libbed...and ended up with a REALLY BIG tea cozy.  Ruth's poor looks like it's hiding!

I then made her girls pillowcase dresses (my new obsession).  Aren't they just the cutest?

No, the bottom two aren't twins, Sophia helped out by modelling Emma's dress.  This past weekend, one our way to Edmonton, we stopped in Red Deer so Annika could see her friends and I could see MY friend.

 It was so nice to see Ruth...and finally give her her present!


  1. The girls like their dresses and wanted to wear them and today they did. I love my tea cozy. It totally matches my china. Loved hanging out with you too. So good seeing friends who know you

  2. It's great seeing pics of the girls...together with friends again! :) Glad you had a great visit together. :)
